Sunday 27 January 2019

St. Trinian's Second Form Students

I now come to the last of my reviews of my St. Trinian's cast of characters with a look at my Second Form students. They are your usual bunch of assorted miscreants, every bit as anarchic as the older students.
First in line is Helen Langston, a juvenile reckless human St. Trinian's Second Year student who loves playing practical jokes. Helen is a typical tomboy. She excelled at sports in junior school but her constant tomfoolery and bullying earned her countless hours of detention. Her parents struggled to find a school that was willing to accept her for her higher education. However, one school was more than happy to take her in and that was St. Trinian's School for Girls. Helen's rebellious nature worsened and her love of practical jokes grew stronger. As a Second Year student, she is a force of chaos! She is rank grade:4 and aged 12. Her figure is produced by Black Cat Bases.

To her left is Kylie Thorpe, a young rugged human St. Trinian's Second Form student who holds grudges against those who annoy her. Kylie is two years younger than her sister, Nikki. Tragedy struck the Thorpe family when their mother was knocked over and killed by a drunken hit and run driver. He was later caught and arrested. Their father was a hardened criminal and serving time in prison at the time. Consequently, the sisters were placed in an orphanage, where they remained until they were adults. Kylie followed her sister as a pupil at St. Trinian's School for Girls, which she enjoyed immensely. The anarchic nature of the pupils suited Kylie's attitude and she fitted in perfectly. She holds grudges against anyone who annoys her. She is also rank grade:4 and is aged 12. Her figure comes from Hasslefree Miniature's range of modern adventurers.
Third in line is Lily Urquhart, a juvenile brilliant human St. Trinian's Second Form student who enjoys role-playing games. Lily is a geek. She has always had an active imagination and she loved making up stories about imaginary worlds and places. She grew up with a love of comics and sci-fi and fantasy films and TV series. As she grew older, she discovered computer games and role-playing games, both of which fascinated her. When she was enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls, she expected to hate it but much to her surprise and delight she discovered that there were a clique of pupils known as the Geeks, who enjoyed the same hobbies she loved so much. Admittedly, the Geeks are often derided by other cliques in the school but Lily is happy because she was made a number of close friends who are as enthusiastic about being a geek as she is. She is rank grade:4 and is aged 12. Her figure is produced by Black Cat Bases.

Lastly, is Vicki Young, a juvenile brilliant human St. Trinian's Second Form Student who is fascinated with explosions. Vicki was a perfectly normal young girl from a respectable middle class family who never got into trouble. That all changed when she was enrolled into St. Trinian's School for Girls. The first year there was tough for her but she soon learned how to fit in. Although not the quickest, strongest or toughest student she has very clever for her age and she put her intellect to good use in order to survive in a school that was no place for the weak or the timid. Once she started studying chemistry and learnt how to make things blow up using simple household items she was in her element. Tania and Tara Mackie from the Third Form helped her to hone her explosives talents even further. She would love to blow the school up but her classmates have persuaded her that would not be a good idea. So she is wondering what other building she can blow up! Vicki is rank grade:4 and is aged 12. Her figure is produced by Hasslefree Miniatures as part of their Modern Adventurers range.

Monday 21 January 2019

St. Trinian's Third Form Students

This is the penultimate post wherein I showcase my cast of St. Trinian's and this time the spotlight shines on my Third Form students. I only have four of them and two appeared in the two newest films.
First up is Elizabeth Compton, a teenage obnoxious human St. Trinian's Third Form student who is very prone to temper tantrums. Elizabeth grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk, the youngest of three siblings and the only girl amongst them. She proved to be an obnoxious child, unlike her two brothers who were polite and well-mannered. Elizabeth was prone to temper tantrums if she didn't get her own way. Her parents made the decision to send her to St. Trinian's School for Girls instead of her local school in the hopes it would change her decision to send her to St. Trinian's School for Girls instead of her local school in the hopes it would change her attitude. Sadly, it didn't. If anything, it made her worse as she turned to crime by stealing stuff she wanted. She is not a popular pupil by any means but as long she gets her own way she couldn't care less. Suffice to say, she is a member of the Rude Girls tribe  where she is known as "Violent Elizabeth". She is rank grade:5 and aged 13. Her figure is part of the Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 1.

Next to her is Patsy Walsh, a teenage nimble human St. Trinian's Third Form student who loves to watch and play sports. Patsy was born in Chelmsford, the county town of Essex to two lovely parents who adored her. During her time at infant school she joined the Brownies, then later graduated to the Girl Guides. When she was 10 years old, she enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls. This was a great change for her. She tried hard to remain a good girl but the influence of her fellow pupils changed her into the typical anarchic St. Trinian's schoolgirl. She was always good at sports; she enjoyed watching and participating in most sports. Fortunately, at St. Trinian's, girls with sporting talent were encouraged and when Patsy began her third year at the school, she concentrated her studies more and more on her sports activities. Given time, she has the potential to be a top class athlete. She is rank grade:5 and is aged 15. Her figure was made from the plastic sprues on the Warlord Games Project Z Female Survivors set.
Second from the right is Tania Mackie, a young nimble human St. Trinian's Third Form student who is fascinated with explosions. Tania and her twin sister, Tara,  grew up on an army camp due to their father being a bomb disposal officer in the British Army. Rather unexpectedly, both sisters took an unhealthy interest in explosives. They learned a lot from their father, who actively encouraged their knowledge in bomb disposal techniques. When the twins enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls, they were able to utilise their expertise in explosives to devastating effect. Other pupils at the school who wanted something blowing up knew that the Mackie sisters would almost certainly be able to deliver. The sisters are unholy terrors and as well as being explosive experts are extremely adept at driving cars, which they usually steal. Tania is rank grade:5 and is aged 13. Her figure is produced by Hasslefree Miniatures as Alyx from their Modern Adventurers range. I remodelled her right arm and added her hockey stick.

Her sister, Tara, is a young nimble human St. Trinian's Third Form student who likes joyriding. Her background is identical to Tania's and so are her stats. Suffice to say she is also rank grade:5 and aged 13. Her figure is another version of Hasslefree's Alyx with the baseball bat in her left hand being replaced by a hockey stick. The twins appeared in the St. Trinian's and St. Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold films. Strictly speaking, they should be Second Formers but their figures suggests they are slightly older so I made the decision to make them Third Formers. They were two of my favourite characters from both films. Just look at this photo of them. You'd think butter wouldn't melt in their mouths but the old adage "never judge a book by its cover" couldn't be more appropriate.
Here's another picture, showing them having fun with explosives.
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"

Tuesday 15 January 2019

St. Trinian's Fourth Form Students

In this post I'm showcasing my Fourth Form Students from St. Trinian's School for Girls. I only have four of them and they are a varied bunch. I came up with the backgrounds for all of these girls and none of them appeared in the films.
First up is Emily De'Ath, a teenage anaemic human St. Trinian's Fourth Form student who likes to paint subversive graffiti. Emily had a very unhappy childhood. Abandoned at birth she never knew who her parents were and she grew up in an orphanage, where she became sullen and withdrawn and rarely interacted with the other children, preferring her own company. At age 10 she was adopted by a young couple who had a very liberal attitude to life and were happy to let Emily do whatever she wanted. In September of that year they enrolled her at St. Trinian's School for Girls where Emily found a home amongst the Emo tribe, one of  a number of cliques within the school. She spent much of her second year playing truant as she tried to make sense of her life. In her third year she found an outlet in art, one subject she both enjoyed and was good at. Naturally, being an anarchic St. Trinian's student, this manifested itself in graffiti art. Her favourite trick is to spray paint graffiti on the cars of the schools she visits when the St. Trinian's hockey team plays away matches. When opposing teams visits St. Trinian's she always tries to spray paint their buses. Emily is rank grade:5 and is aged 14. Her figure is a goth Girl produced by Turnkey Miniatures.

Next to her Jayne Payne, a teenage tough as nails St. Trinian's Fourth Form student who strongly believes in justice. Jayne grew up in an orphanage after her mother died of  a drug overdose when Jayne was only five years old. Her father abandoned them after Jayne was born. It was a rough childhood for Jayne but it did toughen her up. When she was admitted to St. Trinian's School for Girls as a first former aged 11 she embraced the anarchic lifestyle of the majority of the other students. Jayne seemed to be destined for a life of crime as she joined the Rude Girls clan. However, her life changed during the summer holidays after her Third Year. The orphan agency found her a home with a couple who were willing to adopt her. The father had lost a leg to an Improvised Explosive Device whilst serving with the British Army. Much to her surprise, Jayne bonded with him immediately, and he changed her whole attitude to life, instilling in her a strong sense of justice. During her Fourth Year she changed from being a bully to someone who defended the weak and fought for justice. She carries her trusty club with her everywhere and uses it to devastating effect. She is rank grade:5 and aged 14. Her figure is produced by Statuesque Miniatures as Asylum Esme. I slightly converted her by cutting off the revolver she held in her right hand. Making her a thug would have been the obvious choice but I decided it would be more interesting to make her a vigilante as a force for good. Not every student in St. Trinian's is bad but I like to mix things up within the group.
Second from the right is Lucy Barker, a young illiterate human St. Trinian's Fourth Form student who rebels against authority. Lucy was never interested in school work and she took little interest in her classes at school. As a child, she was a bully who was forever getting into trouble. She frequently played truant and spent many hours in detention. Her parents were exasperated by her lack of interest in her education, and so enrolled her at St. Trinian's School for Girls in the hope that she might thrive at an all girls boarding school. As soon as Lucy learned that the pupils were divided into cliques, she joined forces with the Rude Girls tribe, who accepted her with open arms. It was here that Lucy did thrive, but not in the way her parents envisaged. She became even more of a bully and a rebel. Anarchy has now become a way of life for this truculent Fourth Former. She is rank grade:5 and is aged 14. Her figure comes from the Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 1.

Finally, is Nikki Thorpe, a young forgetful human St. Trinian's Fourth Form student who likes to cause mayhem and mischief. Nikki is the eldest of two sisters being two years older than Kylie. They suffered a terrible loss when their mother was killed by a drunken hit and run driver when Nikki was six years old. Both children were placed in an orphanage because their father was serving time in jail. He turned his back on both of them when he was released and he had no more contact with them. The orphanage placed Nikki in St. Trinian's School for Girls when she was 11 years old. Nikki soon grew to love her time at the school. Many of the other pupils were just like her coming from broken backgrounds, but they banded together and looked after each other. Both Nikki and Kylie, who also joined her at St. Trinian's, were troublemakers, forever causing mischief and mayhem. Kylie is also rank grade:5 and is aged 14. Her figure also comes from the Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 1.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

St. Trinian's Fifth Form Students

Continuing my look at the students of St. Trinian's School for Girls I'm reviewing my Fifth Formers in this post. All of these girls are armed with hockey sticks or baseball bats and are tough melee fighters. Most of these characters were created by me. Only two of them appeared in the St. Trinian's films and they are noted below.
First up is April Stevens, a teenage tough as nails human St. Trinian's Fifth Form student who loves to watch and play sports. April has always been more interested in sports than in academic studies. She was the fastest student at infant and junior schools in her home town of Basingstoke. When she enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls, her sporting abilities were actively encouraged by the staff. Her sports teacher, Miss Cleaver, pushed her hard but under her tutelage, April really excelled. She took up martial arts training during her school holidays. Now aged 15, she is one of the school's top sports stars. She has the potential to be a world class athlete but at the moment she is keeping her options open as to which sport she wants to specialise in. April is rank grade:5 and she is aged 15. Her figure comes from Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 2.

Next in line is Jackie Grimshaw, a teenage tough as nails human St. Trinian's Fifth Form student who thrives on adventure and danger. Jackie became interested in sports from an early age. She developed a fearless attitude and would take on any physical challenge. She was tough and had an aggressive streak, which got her into trouble with both her school teachers and the police. As such, she was refused entry to her local comprehensive and secondary modern schools. However, St. Trinian's School for Girls were delighted to accept her after headmistress Camilla Fritton learned of her plight. Jackie thrived at St. Trinian's, where she became a regular and popular member of the hockey team. She still thrives on adventure and danger and school life has toughened her even further. She is also rank grade:5 and is aged 15. Her figure also comes from Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 2.
Second from the right is Misty Winters, a teenage ambidextrous human St. Trinian's Fifth Form student who keeps her teddy bear with her at all times. Misty had an unusual upbringing in that she was the daughter of circus acrobats who passed on their skills to her. Misty loved the circus life and she exercised daily to keep her body in peak physical condition. When she was 11 years old, she enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls, which proved to be an excellent training ground for her. Naturally, she excelled at sports, and she became a regular member of the school hockey team. During her school holidays, she trained to become  a stunt woman, as this was the career she wanted to pursue when she graduated from St. Trinian's. A notable quirk of Misty is that she keeps her teddy bear, named "Theodora", which means "God's Gift" with her at all times. This was a Christmas present given to her by her parents when she was 4 years old and is Misty's most prized possession. She is rank grade:5 and aged 15. Misty is yet another figure from Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 2.

At the far right is Taylor Drysdale, a teenage reckless human St. Trinian's Fifth Form student who always looks for the worst in people.Taylor had a bad upbringing and is forever getting into trouble. She never knew her father and her mother struggled to raise her. Taylor fell in with a gang of street thugs and was forever getting into trouble at school. The local social services were preparing to place her in a young offenders' institution when her mother won half a million pounds on the National Lottery. With money to burn, she enrolled Taylor into St. Trinian's School for Girls, whilst she lived a life of luxury. Taylor immediately joined the Chavs group of pupils. Taylor proved to be a girl not to be messed with. She was chosen by head girl, Kelly Jones, to be part of a team along with Emo girl, Andrea Faith, to steal the Vermeer painting, The Girl with the Pearl Earring from the National Gallery in a scam to raise funds to prevent the closure of St. Trinian's. The girls returned the painting, having claimed to have "found" it and thus received a substantial reward for returning it. Taylor tends to look for the worst in people, as she finds it hard to trust others. Taylor is rank grade:6 and is aged 15. Her figure is produced by Hasslefree Miniatures as Elite Suzi from the Modern Adventurers range. I replaced her katana with a hockey stick. Taylor appeared in the St. Trinian's film.
At the far left is Bianca Ashton, a teenage tough as nails human St. Trinian's Fifth Form student who cannot resist a bet or a dare. Bianca grew up on a farm in Bodmin Moor, Cornwall. From an early age she learned how to drive and shoot shotguns to kill the vermin who infested the farm. She loved the outdoor life and her boisterous nature stood her in good stead when she enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls as a First Former. During her first two years there she got up to all sorts of mischief. She took little interest in most lessons but loved sports as it got her outdoors, where she thrived. During her third term she discovered her love for hockey and she became a regular member of the school hockey team. Like most of the St. Trinian's players she has no qualms in taking out an opponent through foul means. Recently, some of the other students dared her to smuggle a shotgun into the school. She "borrowed" one from her home farm and won the bet. She is rank grade:5 aged 15. Her figure was produced by Not Yet Dead Miniatures but is no longer available as the company has closed down. A real shame.

In the middle of this trio is Dorothy Barton, a teenage brawny human St. Trinian's Fifth Form student who is blunt to the point of rudeness. Dorothy was orphaned at age four when she was the only survivor of a horrific car crash that killed both of her parents. With no relatives to take her in, she was placed in an orphanage. Her time there was miserable and she developed a surly and aggressive attitude. When she was 10 years old she got adopted by a couple who turned out to be a part of a crime syndicate based in Doncaster. They treated her well at the start but later decided it would benefit them if Dorothy was away from home during school term times. So, they enrolled her at St. Trinian's School for Girls, little realising how much it would harden Dorothy's attitude. She fitted in well with the anarchic and ill-disciplined lifestyle of the majority of the students and she became part of the Rude Girls clique. Chloe takes shit from no one and is blunt to the point of rudeness. She says what she means and doesn't care who she offends. Dorothy is rank grade:5 and is aged 15. Her figure comes from the Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 1.
Finally, is Polly Cole, a teenage brilliant human St. Trinian's Fifth Form computer hacker who likes to play chess. Polly is a computer genius with an IQ of genius level. She grew up with an interest in computer technology from a very early age. Her parents, who were both academics, actively encouraged her. When she was enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls, she immediately joined the Geek Girls, who welcomed her with open arms. Now in her fifth year, she has grown in stature. No-one else at school is as good as her at computer hacking and programming. She is quiet and introverted and dresses in unflattering clothes. Although she does not like outdoor pursuits, she is a member of the school hockey team, where she is an expert at analysing the tactics of opposing teams. A number of cutting edge computer technology companies want to hire her when she graduates. She can name her own price and walk into any company she wants to. She is rank grade:6 and is aged 15. Her figure is produced by Crooked Dice Games Savage Schoolgirls set 2. Polly appeared in the St. Trinian's film.

Friday 4 January 2019

St. Trinian's Sixth Form Students 02

Here are the rest of my Sixth Form student figures from St. Trinian's. The figure of Velvet has not been shown before. She is one of the best sculpted figures I have seen and as soon as I saw her I thought she'd be perfect as a St. Trinian's Sixth Former. I know that the four Rude Girls that I sculpted are a big favourite of John's. He'll be pleased to know that my first scenario will concentrate on these four during their summer vacation. I wanted to keep my first scenario simple and by concentrating on just four characters seemed like a good choice to make.
First up at the far left is Andrea Faith, a teenage nimble human St. Trinian's Sixth Form student who is fascinated by the occult. Andrea grew up on a farm on the outskirts of London and had a fairly normal upbringing. Her life changed when she enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls. She fell in with the wrong crowd, which in St. Trinian's meant just about any of the students. In her second year she fell in with the Emos clique and she joined a secret death cult, which cultivated her fascination in death and the occult. For the next three years she took an active part in the cult. Once the cult's leader, a witch named Hazel Dubaski, graduated and left St. Trinian's, the group disbanded. Andrea still remained an Emo but much to her surprise, found she enjoyed being a member of the school hockey team. She was a good player so keeping fit became more important to her. Andrea was one of the three girls who stole The Girl With the Pearl Earring from the National Gallery in London. The girls later returned it and claimed the reward for finding it. Andrea is rank grade:6 and aged 16. her figure is made up from parts from the sprues in the Warlord Games Project Z Female Survivors set. Her character appeared in the film, St. Trinian's.

In the centre of this group is Roxy Harding, a teenage commanding human St. Trinian's Sixth Form student who likes to drink and party hard. Roxy was born in Ascot, Berkshire, England. Her father worked in the Diplomatic Corps and frequently had to relocate to new countries, depending upon where his job took him. Roxy and her mother travelled with him, which gave her great exposure to the wonders and goings on of the world. When she was 12 years old, her parents returned to England after her father retired to settle down and run a pub in a small village. Roxy was enrolled in the local comprehensive school and immediately fell in with the wrong crowd. However, she did develop a passion for acting and singing. She was 15 when she was spotted by a talent scout who was looking for teenagers to form a new girl band. Roxy easily passed the auditions and became one of five singers in the group, Loud Girls. They were an instant hit with the public, and their first three singles all topped the charts. Whilst touring, Roxy gained a well-earned reputation for partying, drinking and wild behaviour. She was given the nickname, "Party Hardy." Her management team decided to curb her wild ways by insisting she finish her schooling. Roxy was initially reluctant to go along with them, but had a sudden change of heart when she agreed to their terms with one proviso - she got to choose which school she went to. The management team agreed but were horrified when she chose the infamous St. Trinian's School for Girls. The pupils of St. Trinian's immediately accepted Roxy as one of their own and she was appointed leader of the Indies tribe, one of the numerous schoolgirl factions that populated the school. Since enrolling at St. Trinian's, Roxy has become an even bigger rebel, which has only endeared her to her fans even more. Roxy is rank grade:6 and aged 16. I'm afraid I can't remember who produced her figure. I do recall that she was bought as a Goth girl but I thought she'd be a perfect match for Roxy, who was played by Sarah Harding from the group, Girls Aloud in the St: Trinian's: The Legend of Fritton's Gold film.
At the right of this trio of miscreants is Velvet Vittorio, s deadeye Chosen One human St. Trinian's School Sixth Form assassin who likes fashion and jewellery.Velvet was a very special individual groomed from birth to be an agent of the Alpha Squad, a covert group of mercenaries who usually hired themselves out to underdogs. Her parents were retired agents of the Alpha Squad and wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps so trained her to be  a top agent. Up to the age of 14, Velvet trained as a martial artist, becoming a master of Krav Maga, one of the newest martial arts styles, which taught her to end a fight as soon it starts and to make the most use of her attacks with the least effort. At the age of 15, she began learning the arts of assassination, becoming a crackshot with pistols. She embarked on a few missions for her parents, and performed well. In the past few months she was enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls as a Sixth Year student. This was a relatively simple mission for her. The Alpha Squad had learned that Kelly Jones, the previous head girl had been recruited by the British spy agency, MI7. They wanted Velvet to check out the current head girl, Annabelle Fritton, to assess her qualities as a potential recruit or if any other students also had potential to be an Alpha Squad agent. Velvet is very charming and polite and was immediately adopted by the Posh Totty tribe who loved her Italian accent and fashion sense. Velvet is rank grade:6 and aged 16. She owns a high quality .50 calibre Desert Eagle, which she keeps safely locked away. Her figure is produced by Black Scorpion as Birthday Girl from their Collectors range. I knew that I wanted her to be someone special, hence my decision to make her a Chosen One, just as Kelly was. I also knew that I wanted her to work for a secret organisation, but which one? The answer was obvious. As I read my N.O.W. rulebook I remembered that the six sample starter PCs worked for an organisation called the Alpha Squad and it fitted my goals perfectly. So Velvet is as undercover assassin at St. Trinian's - what could possibly go wrong with that?
And so we come to the Rude Girls, starting off at the far left with their leader, Sabrina Sykes, a teenage alcoholic human St. Trinian's Sixth Form student who likes to drink alcohol. Sabrina is the daughter of notorious crime boss Charlie "Psycho" Sykes. So it was inevitable that she would turn to a life of crime. She would most certainly have been expelled from school on numerous occasions if it wasn't for her father "persuading" the school governors to treat her leniently. Knowing full well of the anarchic reputation of St. Trinian's School for Girls, Charlie had no hesitation in enrolling Sabrina there as a student. She soon learned that the pupils were divided into tribes and she quickly allied herself with the Rude Girls tribe. She became very close friends with three other Rude Girls of the same age and temperament, Bridget Strong, Frankie "Froggy" Fraser and Rosalie Alexander. They formed a bond that would last a lifetime and with her wilful personality and good looks, Sabrina was adopted as the gang's leader. She has run many a scam in her time at at St. Trinian's. The teachers are scared stiff of her and the local police prefer to look the other way when her name crops up in a crime report. She has the makings of a first class criminal mastermind but she is overly fond of alcohol, which can often impair her judgement. She is armed with a 9mm Glock 20 pistol. She is rank grade:6 and aged 16. All four of these figures were sculpted by me and are based on set Girl001 Sorority Twisted Sisters from Graven Images’ Dystopia range of 40mm scale figures.

Next in line is Frankie "Froggy" Fraser, a teenage nimble human St. Trinian's Sixth Form student who is slightly gullible. "Froggy" is the daughter of a small time thief who is currently serving a six year stretch in prison for armed robbery. She has known a life of crime all her life. From an early age, she fell in with the wrong crowd and was frequently in trouble with the authorities. Her best friend, Rosalie Alexander, was the daughter of the getaway driver of her father's gang. Soon after the arrest of their fathers, Frankie and Rosalie were enrolled as First Form students at St. Trinian's School for Girls. Both were taken in by the Rude Girls tribe, where they became close friends with fellow miscreants, Bridget Strong, and Sabrina Sykes. The four girls formed an unbreakable bond and they ruled the school with a rod of iron. They were a fearsome foursome.  As Frankie grew older, she honed her skills as a cat burglar. When her father heard of what she was doing, he bequeathed her his Exceptional Quality Thieves' Tool Kit, which is now her most prized possession. If anyone at the school wants something special stealing, Frankie is their number one choice for getting it. She is not the sharpest tool in the box and is known to be quite gullible upon occasion. She is armed with a 9mm Glock 17 pistol. She is rank grade:6 aged 16.
Second from the right is Rosalie Alexander, a teenage alert human St. Trinian's Sixth Form student who loves fast cars. Rosalie grew up to a life of crime. Her father was a getaway driver who was part of a gang that got arrested and imprisoned six years ago. She became close friends with another one of the gang members daughters, Frankie "Froggy" Fraser who was the same age as Rosalie. The pair grew up together and were both enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls at the same time. They joined the Rude Girls tribe, where they quickly became close friends with Bridget Strong and Sabrina Sykes. Rosalie inherited her father's love of fast cars and learned how to drive when she was only 13 years old. Now, aged 16, she is an expert driver and her desire for speed is stronger than ever. She is at her happiest behind the wheel of a fast performance car. She is armed with a 9mm SITES M9 pistol and a flick knife. She is rank grade:6 and aged 16.

Finally, is Bridget Strong, a teenage athletic human St. Trinian's Sixth Form student who enjoys bullying others. From an early age Bridget has been a bully. She is very strong for her age and won every fight she participated in. She found most school work very boring but she both loved and excelled in sports. Her parents enrolled her in St. Trinian's School for Girls as a First Form student when she was 10 years old. The pupils formed various groups that included Chavs, Emos, Geeks, Indies, Posh Totty, Rude Girls and Trustafarians. Suffice to say that Bridget joined the Rude Girls. Here, she became close friends with Frankie Fraser, Rosalie Alexander and Sabrina Sykes. Sabrina was the leader of the Rude Girls and the four of them found notoriety as a gang feared by the rest of the school and the local authorities. Bridget is the gang's bruiser and muscle. No one at school would even think of crossing her. She still enjoys sports, particularly hockey, which gives her the perfect opportunity to break bones of her opposition. She is the only one of the four not to own a gun but she can inflict just as much damage with her baseball bat. She is rank grade;6 and is aged 16.