Sunday 27 January 2019

St. Trinian's Second Form Students

I now come to the last of my reviews of my St. Trinian's cast of characters with a look at my Second Form students. They are your usual bunch of assorted miscreants, every bit as anarchic as the older students.
First in line is Helen Langston, a juvenile reckless human St. Trinian's Second Year student who loves playing practical jokes. Helen is a typical tomboy. She excelled at sports in junior school but her constant tomfoolery and bullying earned her countless hours of detention. Her parents struggled to find a school that was willing to accept her for her higher education. However, one school was more than happy to take her in and that was St. Trinian's School for Girls. Helen's rebellious nature worsened and her love of practical jokes grew stronger. As a Second Year student, she is a force of chaos! She is rank grade:4 and aged 12. Her figure is produced by Black Cat Bases.

To her left is Kylie Thorpe, a young rugged human St. Trinian's Second Form student who holds grudges against those who annoy her. Kylie is two years younger than her sister, Nikki. Tragedy struck the Thorpe family when their mother was knocked over and killed by a drunken hit and run driver. He was later caught and arrested. Their father was a hardened criminal and serving time in prison at the time. Consequently, the sisters were placed in an orphanage, where they remained until they were adults. Kylie followed her sister as a pupil at St. Trinian's School for Girls, which she enjoyed immensely. The anarchic nature of the pupils suited Kylie's attitude and she fitted in perfectly. She holds grudges against anyone who annoys her. She is also rank grade:4 and is aged 12. Her figure comes from Hasslefree Miniature's range of modern adventurers.
Third in line is Lily Urquhart, a juvenile brilliant human St. Trinian's Second Form student who enjoys role-playing games. Lily is a geek. She has always had an active imagination and she loved making up stories about imaginary worlds and places. She grew up with a love of comics and sci-fi and fantasy films and TV series. As she grew older, she discovered computer games and role-playing games, both of which fascinated her. When she was enrolled at St. Trinian's School for Girls, she expected to hate it but much to her surprise and delight she discovered that there were a clique of pupils known as the Geeks, who enjoyed the same hobbies she loved so much. Admittedly, the Geeks are often derided by other cliques in the school but Lily is happy because she was made a number of close friends who are as enthusiastic about being a geek as she is. She is rank grade:4 and is aged 12. Her figure is produced by Black Cat Bases.

Lastly, is Vicki Young, a juvenile brilliant human St. Trinian's Second Form Student who is fascinated with explosions. Vicki was a perfectly normal young girl from a respectable middle class family who never got into trouble. That all changed when she was enrolled into St. Trinian's School for Girls. The first year there was tough for her but she soon learned how to fit in. Although not the quickest, strongest or toughest student she has very clever for her age and she put her intellect to good use in order to survive in a school that was no place for the weak or the timid. Once she started studying chemistry and learnt how to make things blow up using simple household items she was in her element. Tania and Tara Mackie from the Third Form helped her to hone her explosives talents even further. She would love to blow the school up but her classmates have persuaded her that would not be a good idea. So she is wondering what other building she can blow up! Vicki is rank grade:4 and is aged 12. Her figure is produced by Hasslefree Miniatures as part of their Modern Adventurers range.


  1. Another great bunch Bryan, as all of the models you posted from this serous have a grade I take it there is some way of gaming with them & hope to see some AAR's with them posted :)

    1. Many thanks, Frank. Yes, the higher the grade, the better the character is, with higher stats and more exploits. Rank grade:5 is suggested for starting characters. That will be the default rank for this campaign but note some of the students and staff are rank grade:6. In my next post I will be starting the campaign with part 1 of my introductory scenario.

  2. Looking forward to reading the campaign dude

    1. Thank you, Andy. I'm looking forward to playing it and posting it here. :-)

  3. The little lass with the bin lid is one of my favourites not just for this but any zombie/survivor.

    Good new that were getting ready for the games to start, I'm very much looking forward to them.

    1. Thank you kindly, John. Little Kylie is a great figure. I have two of them - one to use in St. Trinian's and one as a zombie apocalypse survivor.

  4. lots of character in this latest group Bryan, the one with the gas torch and mask has to be my favourite of the group

    1. Many thanks, Dave. You can never go wrong with Hasslefree Miniatures.
