Wednesday 4 September 2019

Sector House 13 Command Judges

Having previewed the seven major blocks of Sector 13 and Sector House 13 in my previous two posts it is time to take a look at the significant PC and NPC Judges of Sector House 13. This is the Sector that my campaign will be based in. I start with profiles of the four most senior Judges of Sector House 13.
Sector Chief Hal DiMaggio has been in charge of Sector 13 for ten years but was a Senior Judge in the sector before that. He is 62 years old now and the Judges reckon he will opt for the Long Walk in the next three to five years. Gruff, grey-haired and pock-marked, he is every bit an old school Judge. DiMaggio is highly anti-mutant, believing that the relaxation of the Mutant Laws was a huge mistake for all concerned. His officers are under instructions to come down hard on any muties who flout the law in his sector. He is equally tough on the growing drug problem, exacerbated by the sector's proximity to the Eustace Fargo spaceport and an influx of off-world chemicals that whilst not strictly illegal, have contributed to rising crime levels amongst the juve gangs of the lower levels of the sector and in some of the blocks. Of less concern to him is organised crime. There has not been a Mob War since before Max Contralto became head of the Jimmy Gandolfini Crew and even the murderous Azbury Park Brotherhood, the Contralto's nearest rivals, have remained low-key in recent years. This allows DiMaggio to focus on controlling the drugs and mutie problems that he believes are at the heart of Sector 13's crime statistics.
DiMaggio takes a personal interest in the careers of all his Judges. Sector 13 has 500 Street Judges, 100 Tek, 80 Med and 7 Psi Judges. He insists on monthly fitness assessments and reports, co-ordinated by his Med team and he likes to personally brief all Judges at least once a week instead of relying on machines or other Senior Judges to do it. His memory is phenomenal: he knows the name and arrest record of every Judge in his sector and is both quick to praise and admonish as circumstances dictate. Any Judge who screws up is summoned for one of his infamous "Helmet Dentings" where he dictates his gruff, thick, old New York accent in a criticism-laden barrage against the hapless miscreant in a stream so hard, it can dent a helmet. Conversely, when a Judge performs well and cracks a major or difficult case, he is personally overjoyed to hand out a citation in front of all the other Judges, even if the recipient had a Helmet Denting that same morning.

Sector Chief DiMaggio is supported by Deputy Chief Abi Dryden who heads up Psi Division in Sector 13 and is one of Justice Department's best empaths. She understands Sector Chief DiMaggio perfectly, having worked with him for almost 13 years and her approach mirrors his attention to detail and a genuine concern for her Judges. But, as an empath, Dryden is easier to get along with, tailors her mood to those she is talking to and manages to place everyone at ease. She still walks rounds at the neighbouring Psyko Block 101, helping to treat the inmates there and occasionally gets summoned to Grand Hall to assist high-profile Psi cases. Unlike DiMaggio, Dryden is worried about organised crime. Her best precogs have all reported premonitions of some form of power-struggle between the organised crime groups in the not too distant future. Details are exceedingly hazy and the recurring motif of the premonitions is a full moon. DiMaggio listens to her concerns but dismisses them, noting that a 74.6% chance of accuracy is not a basis for going to war with the gangs. Dryden is subtly attempting to convince him otherwise.
Head of the Med Division of Sector 13 is Med Chief Lisa Holby. A specialist in off world diseases and chemicals, it was her team that researched and classified the various off-world narcotics coming through Fargo Spaceport. Three in particular are of real interest and all originate in the Qux system. One, "Glean", is a combat stimulant, not illegal, as it is also an anaesthetic but it does have certain emotion-suppressing properties. The second, "Flare", is mildly hallucinogenic but no more so than many legal stimulants, instead, Holby believes it is linked to Petty Crime Addiction, relaxing the inhibitions of its users and increasing petty crime propensity. The third, "Cake", is like Umpty Candy but clearly an independent concoction. It tastes damned fine and has no known damaging side effects but it is in such short supply that the usual drug-runners are selling small amounts of it alongside their usual stashes of zziz and ganja.

Head of Tek Division of Sector 13 is Tek Chief Zeke Hawking. A wizard with vehicles, he came to Sector 13 from the Q Branch of Tek Central at the Grand Hall of Justice. He worked on the initial designs for the Manta Prowl Tank before transferring to Sector 13, where he spent 6 years piloting H-Wagons before his promotion to Tek Chief. He is currently engaged in research on the ground vehicle profiles for the highways around the sector. He wants to find a way of clamping down on the Last Chance Power Rides of the E Street Juves through the use of fully automated prowl cars instead of having to rely on Street Judge patrols. The scheme needs funding and, if his developments meet with GHoJ approval, then he can put his plans into production using the Sector House garages and armoury.


  1. Great looking Judges Bryan,love the backgrounds for them, should make for very interesting scenarios with their different focuses in the sector

    1. Greatly appreciated, Dave. I'm very happy with their background stories and different agendas.

  2. Terrific Judges, Bryan, and nice to see them in their proper black and gold uniforms too ;-) Really like the sculpt of Tek Chief Zeke Hawking. Is that an old Foundry model?

    1. Thank you most kindly, Simon. Tek Chief Zeke Hawking is indeed an old Foundry figure.

  3. Very nicely painted figures Brian and an interesting back story. Are these newly painted, i dont think you said in the text.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, John. These have all been shown on my blog before, around about October and November of 2016. Note that all four have been renamed. Amazingly enough I still have Judge figures and vehicles left to show. My Justice Department collection is like a small army!

  4. My Justice Department collection is like a small army!

    I can believe that:)

  5. I think back stories are what bring models to life every bit as much as painting them Bryan, while I don't write many back stories I always tend to have one in my head for the models & then let their actions in game create their history.

    1. I couldn't agree with you more, Frank. I love creating back stories for my PCs and NPCs or just using their official printed back stories.
