Sunday 7 July 2019

The Ace of Spades Campaign - Take a Chance On Me part 8

The Handover
As arranged, a hire car (a pink limousine) was waiting for the crew of The Ace of Spades at the starport. Customs officers gave the ship a very cursory glance and left quickly. Clearly they had been paid off. The limousine's autopilot drove Storm, Rebecca, Judith and Luna to the McMahon warehouse on Blandford Street in the huge domed city of Sybaros. At this time of night the street was deserted. As acting captain, Storm felt she had to go. She chose Rebecca because she was the one person whom Luna trusted the most and Judith to make sure Kyran was unharmed and if she was, to heal her.
It was a few minutes to midnight when they arrived at the rendezvous. They alighted from the car and waited for Darius Covin to arrive.
"You know what you have to do, Luna?" Storm asked, even though they'd gone over their plan a dozen times.
"Sure, I'm ready," Luna replied confidently.
"Attagirl," Rebecca said as she patted Luna on the back.
Meanwhile four figures totally invisible thanks to their Invisibility Cloaks watched from above. Julia was the closest to the group, cradling her deadly microwave sniper rifle in her arms.
Jeanette perched atop a tall tower with her Laser Sniper Rifle at the ready. She had followed the limousine in The Jack of Spades space shuttle, flying at rooftop level and landing close by but out of sight of the rendezvous site. With her were Julia, Katja and Danica who all had considerable combat experience.
Danica and Katja stuck close together, as they often did. They positioned themselves on the roof of a building they hoped Darius would park next to.
Sure enough, they were right. Two black cars pulled up right next to their location.
"Two cars?" Danica noted. "This looks ominous."
"It sure does," Katja agreed, "But you can't expect The Organisation to play fair."
Darius and eight thugs all wearing Kevlar long coats and armed with automatic slugger rifles stepped out. The Drahzik had activated its stealth suit and was invisible to most people although a perceptive viewer would notice a slight shimmering indicating where it was. It fooled most of the crew of The Ace of Spades but not the Venetian scout, Danica, whose sense of hearing was so finely attuned that she heard the Drahzik moving and then noticed the shimmering of its stealth suit. She alerted the others via her communicator. Notable by her absence was Kyran.
"Where's Kyran?" Storm asked. "I thought we had a deal. We trade Luna for Kyran."
"Don't worry, miss Galloway," Darius replied smugly. "We have her right here."
"Bring her out," he commanded to the closest thug.
The thug obeyed and forcibly dragged Kyran out of the big black limousine to stand alongside Darius.
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Darius said impatiently.
"Go, Luna, " Storm commanded, "And don't worry. We're not going to let that bastard get his hands on you."
"Wish me luck," the young teenager said.
"Absolutely," Rebecca said assuringly.
Slowly Kyran and Luna walked towards one another. It was a tense moment. Luna made eye contact with Kyran and nodded imperceptibly. Kyran picked up on the greeting and winked back.
 As the two approached within touching distant, Luna whispered, "Trust me, Kyran, and do as I say."
Kyran quickly glanced at Storm, Rebecca and Judith. Storm gave her a thumbs up and suddenly Luna acted. She pushed Kyran sideways and shouted, "Get behind that dumpster and keep your head down!"
Kyran obeyed without question. As they crouched down behind cover all hell broke loose.


  1. Very good Bryan & the cliff hanger ending, always keep the customer begging for more :)
    The Lady Penelope car brings back memories as I had one as a child, does your one shot a missile out of the front grid ?

    1. Greatly appreciated, Frank. The combat runs for so long it deserves a separate post so I had to leave this one on a cliffhanger.
      I got my FAB1 from eBay a few years ago and it isn't the Dinky model with the firing missile.

  2. Great minis, terrain and story!

  3. Awe Bryan that was such a tease, come on with the next part. ;) waiting with baited breath.

    1. Yes, I know it was such a tease, John, but as I explained to Frank, I had to cut this post into two parts. The good news is that you won't have as long to wait for the follow up post.

  4. Have you picked up the Galactic Sentience Catalog? Would love to see some of those races turn up in your campaign.

    1. I have indeed, Bill, and you're right, there are some great races in there. Hopefully, I'll include some in my campaign.

  5. Great instalment Bryan, have to wait and see how this mission ends, you tease you ! LOL

    1. Hi, Dave. What can I say? Sure, I am a tease.

  6. Corking build up Bryan, and very tense as we waited in position with the girls before the black limo's rolled in!
    Perfect cliffhanger and leaves us in mouth watering suspense as we wait for the carnage to come :-)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Greg. There will indeed be much carnage to come in the next post. It gets real messy!

  7. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
