Wednesday 24 July 2019

The Ace of Spades campaign - Take a Chance on Me part 11

The Ambush (continued)
Turn 2
Julia saw the Drahzik "running" towards her, not realising this was just his normal speed.
"Bloody hell! she exclaimed, "The bugger's fast! This'll slow him down."
This Drahzik had a basic Move score of 12". If he made two Move actions in his Turn he could cover 24" of ground! No one on the board was anywhere near as fast as him.
She calmly fired her microwave sniper rifle and hit the Drahzik in the centre of his face, knocking him down and killing him instantly as she fried his brain.
She spent 4d6 of her 6d6 to hit the Drahzik, keeping the other 2d6 to increase her damage by +1d6. She rolled a 15, beating the Drahzik's Ranged Defence of 14 by 1. She then spent one of her LUC dice to increase her damage by a further +1d6, giving her 6d6+7 to roll. She scored an impressive 40, which dropped the Drahzik to -6 Health, killing him.
She switched targets to Thug#1 and incredibly missed!
She gained a +1d6 to hit for being on higher ground. This gave her 7d6 to hit so she held 2d6 back to increase her damage. However, she only rolled a 17 to hit, which did not beat the Thug's Ranged Defence of 18. It just goes to show, even a master sniper can miss sometimes.
"Goddammit!" she swore, "I should have gone for a body hit instead of trying to blow his head off."
If Thug#1 thought this was his lucky day he was wrong. Danica hit him with a Mind Blast that exploded his head and did the same to Thug#3, taking out two of the previously wounded Thugs, whittling their numbers down to three.
She rolled 4d6 to hit both Thugs and rolled 17 and 15, beating their Mental Defence scores of 10 with ease. She used 1d6 from her to hit dice and her bonus +1d6 for being on higher ground to increase her damage by +1d6 on both targets. She rolled 18 and 21 points of damage which killed both Thugs by reducing their Health scores to -9 and -14 respectively.
Katja fired twice at the unwounded Thug#7.
Katja added +1d6 for being on high ground to her 6d6 attack dice to hit him, but suffered a -2d6 penalty because of the hard cover provided by the stretch limousine the Thug was hiding behind. With rolls of 20 and 19, she hit twice. Rolling 4d6+4 plus 2d6 LUC dice she scored 22 and 24 points of damage, which were reduced to 16 and 18 for the Thug's Kevlar Overcoat SOAK of 6. This dropped him to -4 Health, killing him.
 Thug#5 keeled over and died in seconds as he lay on the ground, bleeding out from two gut shots.
Rebecca aimed and fired her Phaser Pistol at Thug#5, who was very badly wounded. One good hit would kill him but unfortunately she only clipped him and he remained standing.
Her +1d6 bonus for aiming was cancelled  out by a -1d6 penalty for range. She rolled 5d6 to hit and scored a 18, exactly what was required to hit him. Rolling 2d6+3 for Kill damage she scored a 12, which was reduced to 6 because of his SOAK score of 6. His Health score dropped to 2 - so close to death but not enough.
"I'll finish him off, Becky," Storm said confidently as she took aim with her Phaser Pistol, which was also set to Kill.
Her scores were identical to Rebecca's. She hit with a roll of 19 and rolled 11 for damage, which was enough to send Thug#5 into negative Health at -3.
"I told you I'd get him," she playfully mocked Becky.
Rebecca responded by blowing her a raspberry. 
With just one Thug left alive, Jeanette wanted vengeance on him as he had wounded her in the leg.
Two hits from her Laser Sniper Rifle put Thug#4 down for good.
"Pay-back's a bitch, you asshole!" she sneered triumphantly.
She gained a +1d6 bonus to hit for being on higher ground, giving her 6d6 attack dice. With rolls of 25 and 27, she easily beat his Ranged Defence score of 18. She spent two LUC dice to increase her damage to 5d6+2 and rolled 22 and 26, which was reduced to 16 and 20 because of his SOAK:6 Kevlar Overcoat. 36 points of damage dropped him to -6 Health, killing him.
The slaughter was over. Ten members of The Organisation lay dead, including a high ranking gang lord and a Drahzik Manhunter. The crew of The Ace of Spades got off lightly with only Jeanette and Katja picking up minor wounds.
Danica, Julia, Katja, Kyran and Luna congregated next to the corpse of Darius Covin.
"I'm glad he's dead," Luna said with all honesty. "He was an evil bastard and I hope he rots in Hell!"
"Amen to that," Kyran said, "If you hadn't rescued me I know he would have tortured me so badly that I'd beg him for death. Thanks, Julia."
"Yeah, thanks, Julia," Luna added. "Indeed, thank you to all of you. I owe you big time."
"Ah, think nothing of it, kid," Julia smiled affectionately at the teenager. "It was the right thing to do."
"What she said," Katja added.
Meanwhile, back at the pink limousine, Jeanette limped over to join Judith, Rebecca and Storm.
"I picked up a leg wound, Judith," she said apologetically. "Can you fix it?"
"Of course I can." the elderly surgeon replied. "Here, let me apply this spray dressing until we get you back to The Ace of Spades."
"We did it, Storm," Rebecca said, sounding surprised. "I can't believe we pulled it off."
"Well, we do have a good crew, Becky," Storm said proudly. "Never doubt what we can do."
As the other five walked back to the pink limousine, Luna held back a few paces to speak privately to Julia.
"Julia, I have a big favour I want to ask of you," she spoke hesitantly.
"Go ahead and ask away," Julia replied.
"I know you're a bounty hunter and an assassin," Luna admitted. "I want you to take a contract out on my mother. I can't pay you much but I know you hate The Organisation as much as I do. If you refuse, she'll take over from my father and it'll be business as usual. Please, Julia, do this for me."
"It makes sense, Julia," Danica who had exceptional hearing chipped in.
"Since when did you become so bloodthirsty?" Kyran asked, half joking.
"This has nothing to do with being bloodthirsty, Kyran," Danica replied, "It is simply the most logical course of action. It will create a vacuum in The Organisation's infrastructure and let's them know that wealth and power are no protection against an assassin's bullet."
"I totally agree, Danica," Julia replied without a moment's hesitation. "So, what sort of fee were you thinking of, Luna?"
"Er, I don't have much left." she said as her face turned red with embarrassment, "What say ten credits?"
"It's a deal," Julia surprised her by agreeing without argument or hesitation. "Put it there."
She offered Luna her hand and they shook on the deal.
"I'll do it now," Julia decided. "Danica, do you want to join me?"
"Gladly," the Venetian replied.
"I can come as well, if you like," Katja offered.
"Uh-huh," Julia shook her head from side to side. "You're wounded. You go with the rest of the team. I'll ask Storm to fly us in via our shuttle. Luna, you're coming with us to give us directions and advice on the mansion's layout and security measures but once we land you stay in the shuttle with Storm. Agreed?"
"Sure, Julia," Luna acknowledged. "I'll do precisely as you say."
"Okay, let's go," Julia ordered. "Once we're done we'll pick the rest of you up, return to The Ace of Spades then go and collect Kimberley, Gwendy and Celeste."


  1. Great instalment Bryan, was shocked when the Drazhik died before making it into combat, but that's the risk with close combat specialists

    1. I totally agree with you, Dave. It was only after this instalment that I realised running across the roofs was a bad move for the Drahzik. What he should have done was move behind those buildings and then attack Julia from her rear. Hindsight, huh? Both Jeanette and Julia exploited the Drahzik's one major weak point - a pitiful Ranged Defence score of 14. Even the nameless Thugs had a better Ranged Defence score (18).

  2. Wow you mess with those girls at your peril Bryan :)

    1. Ha, ha! So true, Frank, so true! They did well.

  3. A bad day for the thugs, a bit dissapointed that the man hunter didn't get into contact it would have been interesting to see how that worked.
    Good day for the girls though.

    1. Many thanks, John. I only partly agree with you about the Drahzik. If he had got into melee combat I'm sure he would have killed anyone he fought. He's that good!

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