Sunday 8 December 2019

Judge Dredd: I Am The Law Size Comparison Photos

In this post I want to take a look at some of the 35mm scale figures by Warlord Games for their brand new Judge Dredd: I Am The Law skirmish wargame based on the most iconic character from the weekly 2000 AD comic. If you want to see the majority of the range as painted on the Warlord Games website you can check out my post here -
These new figures have shot to the front of my painting queue and I'm busy painting the new Street Judges now. Bolt Action is taking a bit of a back seat for the moment but not for too long. I will  show my painted figures once I finish them but for now I thought I'd do something a bit different for this review post.
There has been some criticism over Warlord Games' decision to make this range in 35mm heroic scale and not the slightly smaller 32mm scale they used for the companion Strontium Dog game. I must admit that at first I was slightly disappointed at this decision but now that I am painting the figures and had time to take a closer look at them I can see why Warlord Games  made this decision. One of the reasons they gave for this decision was so that their sculptors could include more detail. On  this point they certainly succeeded. The figures are incredibly well detailed and sculpted. The figures are made of Warlord Games' new resin compound, which I have no problem with.  A limited amount of figures (the Block Gang and Block Gang Reinforcements) were made of metal due to the high demand of this range. They were included in my Mega package that I received. Being a massive fan of Judge Dredd, I wanted one of everything that Warlord Games produced for the first wave.
So, what I have decided to do for this post is to produce a series of size comparison photos to show that this new range isn't as bad as first may seem.
The League of Fatties is represented by three figures, all of a similar size . From left to right are the old huge Warlord Games Fatty, who dwarves the others. In the centre is one of the new Warlord Games Fatty figures. He is only slightly larger and fatter than the old Citadel Fatty at the far right.
Next up are the Wargames Foundry Judge Death figure alongside the new Warlord Games Judge Death figure. The new Judge Death and the new Nero Narcos figures are the two tallest figures from this range, standing roughly 42mm tall. I'm not sure why, unless it's because they're larger than life - tenuous, I know! New Death is beautifully sculpted and will certainly stand out on any gaming table.
Looking at the new and old Warlord Games figures of Oola Blint, the Angel of Death, there is no difference in size or quality of sculpting. Both are really nice figures and I don't know which one I like best.
Oddly enough, the new Warlord Games Mean Machine Angel appears smaller than two previous sculpts by Wargames Foundry but that could be because he is leaning forward to headbutt an opponent. He is not a bad sculpt but I much prefer the one-armed Wargames Foundry version in the centre of this group.
Finally, are the Street Judges. From left to right are figures by Wargames Foundry, Mongoose Miniatures, old Warlord Games and new Warlord Games. There is not a lot of difference between them and I'm perfectly happy to mix the new with the old. One thing to bear in mind with this new range is that I have glued many of them to the standard Warlord Games 25mm diameter thin plastic circular bases rather than the much thicker old slottabases, so when you mix the two that extra height of the new figures is negated.
Expect a whole load of Judge Dredd content on this blog. My WOIN campaign is ready to go and I am very keen to show some I Am The Law batreps to complement them and to show off the new rule set. This is a golden age for both 2000 AD fans and Judge Dredd fans. I couldn't be happier and I feel that the franchise is in good hands with WOIN for the role-playing game supplements and Warlord Games for the figures. Long may they rule!


  1. An excellent post, Bryan, one of your best imho, and packed full of useful info and pics. I'll be giving "Warlord Games" Judge Dredd a miss, but I am really looking forward to seeing how yours turn out.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon, and I fully understand you not buying into this range. We can't get everything that's released. I'll be supporting it avidly, however.

  2. Great post Bryan and thank you for taking the time to do the comparison, as you know I have no problem with different size models as humans come in multiple sizes anyrate

    1. Thanks, Dave. As you know I feel the same way as you do regarding the size off people and figures.

  3. Very useful article, thank you for doing it. What is your opinion on the quality of the resin? Just wondering how good the casting is and whether there are any issues with bubbles or miscasts?

    1. Thank you, Undercoat. The resin is excellent - no bubbles or miscasts and it holds detail very well. I like it.

  4. great minis Bryan, there isn't really an issue with the sizes here, I think the scale is fine

    1. Much appreciated, Andy. I agree - the scale of them is just fine.

  5. This is very useful for anyone considering buying into the range, the fatties look interesting.

    1. Thank you, John. I thought this idea would prove useful to viewers undecided about the scale of the new figures. Fatties are always cool!

  6. Ah ha! I knew you would have a review of the new Dredd stuff somewhere but I'd limited my looking to your other blog. I received my first bunch a couple weeks ago and agree they are excellent figures. They are a blast to paint and I'm hoping to do some solo gaming of my own. Hope you are feeling better and looking forward to sharing the Dredd stuff I've been working on.

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