Tuesday 16 January 2018

Xenomorphs - A N.E.W. Scenario Book

Xenomorphs - The Fall of Somerset Landing is a 60 page scenario book for the N.E.W. sci-fi role-playing game by EN Publishing. Written by Russ Morrissey, Darren Pearce and Angus Abranson, this is a re-imagining of the film, Aliens. In a similar way that 7TV has re-imagined films and TV series from the 1960's, 70's and 80's, so WOIN Studios have brought out their version of a well-known classic sci-fi film.
Xenomorphs - The Fall of Somerset Landing is the blockbuster sequel to WOIN Studio's award winning 1979 film, Xenomorph. The film sees a return to Lethe, one of three moons orbiting Melinos, an enormous gas giant, some 40 light years from Earth, which also featured in the first movie. Lethe's main role in the first film was the site of the alien ship that the crew of the Viola discover when responding to a distress signal. As we all remember well, deep within the bowels of this alien craft death and madness awaited the Viola crew. Decades on, Lethe now boasts a small colony that is terraforming the planet to make it more habitable for mankind. The planet is still a harsh environment, wracked by freezing rain and relentless winds, but the air is at least now breathable and temperatures are slowly rising - now reaching just above zero Celsius around the equator and the main outpost.

Xenomorphs charts the events just prior to the colony's loss of contact with the Chen Zua Corporation, the company behind the terraforming technology that oversees the United Planets Terraforming Contracts, and the events that take place during the black-out.
In the late 22nd century, mankind has travelled some 50 light years from Earth, but has not yet encountered any intelligent alien civilisations. Colonies - usually financed by the massive Chen Zua Corporation - litter known space, mining, terraforming and researching, as humanity slowly pushes its frontiers forward. Back on earth, much of the wasted space - Antarctica, the great deserts - has been terraformed and the planet is crowded, resources are running low, a situation which is driving the push out into the galaxy.
This book is divided into three sections:
The Setting. the first part of the book describes the overall setting, its main features, player races and careers, and a brief overview of the section of the galaxy that humankind has explored. You can use this section to run your own adventures and campaigns in this setting.
The Colony. The second part of the book describes a sample colony, Somerset Landing, some 12 parsecs from Earth. You can run adventures of your own on Somerset Landing, or you can use the adventure in the third part of the book.
The Adventure. In the third and final section of this book, you'll find an adventure scenario called The Fall of Somerset Landing, a dark horror adventure in which alien xenomorphs invade the colony...
Players can play their own characters or use any of the ten pre-generated characters found at the back of the book. It is suggested that players begin with rank level 5 characters, as per the default starting rule. Non-human races do not exist, apart from androids, but there are variant human types.
Make no mistake, this is not an easy scenario for the PCs to win. PC deaths are expected and it may happen that no PCs survive. The tension and horror of the scenario just racks up and up. This is a scary place to be. The Xenomorphs are frighteningly powerful. They come in four varieties and the book has a handy guide that shows the lethality of the Xenomorphs in the encounters.
Breed-spawn. Small semi-sentient insectoid (5d6). An easy fight assuming it doesn't get you.
Xenomorph Hunter. Medium semi-sentient insectoid (6d6). A challenge in a one-on-one encounter with a starting PC.
Xenomorph Warrior. Medium semi-sentient insectoid (8d6). Powerful, use singly; this creature can wipe out a party of starting PCs.
Xenomorph Matriarch. Large semi-sentient insectoid (10d6). Extremely powerful. This will TPK (Total Party Kill) even a veteran party if they don't have some clever way of beating her.
I don't want too give too much away about the plot but anyone who has watched Aliens will be familiar with what can be expected. This is my one and only criticism of the book. If your players know the film and recognise the plot of the scenario it'll be hard for them to distance player knowledge with that of what their characters should know. If you can overcome that hurdle then you will have a terrific role-playing experience. This is an exceptionally well-written book that has translated so well into the N.E.W. system. Yes, it is very familiar, but therein lies much of its charm. It has been done in a respectful manner that pays homage to its source material. I can't recommend it too highly. I'd give it a 10 out of 10 rating.
You can purchase this book from RPGNow for £14.49 for the soft cover book or for £8.15 for the PDF version. Here's the link for them - https://www.rpgnow.com/product/225096/WOIN-Xenomorphs-The-Fall-of-Somerset-Landing?
If any of you are wondering, will I be using this book in my The Ace of Spades Campaign the answer is probably not. To me, what happens in this book takes place in a different universe and dimension to the one I created for my The Ace of Spades Campaign. 


  1. Many thanks for a great review Bryan, and this looks like it will fit seamlessly into my "Blade Runner / Aliens" hybrid campaign :-)
    Having spent quite some time looking at different options, this post has delivered the solution I've been looking for!

    1. Glad I could help, Greg. I see no reason not to use this book as the basis for a "Blade Runner/Aliens" hybrid campaign. It has all the elements you need for such a crossover.
      If you want to use the "N.E.W." rules to run it, now is a good time to pick them up. DriveThruRpg has them for sale with a 25% discount - £10.48 for the PDF version or £36.24 for the hardcover book. See here - http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/191271/NEW-The-Science-Fiction-Roleplaying-Game-v12?term=N.E.W.&test_epoch=0
      Or, if you want a cheap black and white digest version, Amazon sell it for £9.99. See here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/W-Science-Fiction-Digest-Whats/dp/1979987459/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1516114079&sr=8-1&keywords=n.e.w+rpg
      Personally, I'd go for the hardback version, but I'm biased.

    2. Thanks for the links Bryan - I'm on it! :-)

    3. You're most welcome, mate.

  2. Sounds like a great option for anyone wanting to play aliens, or just add into whatever they're playing

  3. Great article Bryan, and perhaps unsurprisingly one which immediately caught my attention. I think a campaign featuring the Ace of Spades crew would be very interesting, but I also totally understand why you wouldn't want your well-thought out and shaped characters facing a scenario which clearly takes no prisoners. Perhaps an alternate universe Ace of Spades adventure where that galaxy's crew undergo it - so character deaths won't impact upon your current campaign?

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Actually, I have been thinking of ways that I could use to include the Ace of Spades crew in such a scenario and the answer suddenly hit me. Play it is a holodeck simulation. That way, even if there is a TPK, none of the characters die in real life. Win-win, huh?

  4. My copy of N.E.W. 1.2 has been sat on my desk for days now and I've still not really looked at it :(

    I have been buying figures and painting terrain though, so it hasn't all been wasted time.

    1. Thank, Roy. I wouldn't worry too much. The most important step you took was actually buying the rulebook. Reading can come later.

      I have just received my new hard-backed 1.2 version of the N.E.W. rulebook and I'm thoroughly engrossed in reading it, making note of all of the changes. There aren't many, to be honest, but what there are, greatly enhances the game.

      Buying and painting new figures and terrain is always time well spent! ;-)

  5. i am interested in NEW because ive heard so much about it and am hooked y the sound of it and am thinking of getting it delivered, is it self standing or do i need WOIN to make it work, or is NEW and WOIN the same thing, and will The fall of somerset landing work with just NEW?

    1. Hi, Luke, and welcome aboard. NEW is one part of the WOIN RPG series. It covers sci-fi stuff. NOW covers modern day stuff and OLD covers fantasy stuff. Together, they form WOIN - What's OLD Is NEW. NEW is a stand alone RPG system. You don't need anything else to play it. However, the three systems are compatible because they are all based on similar rules. It is only the settings and characters that change. Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing is a scenario book designed specifically for NEW. You would need NEW to be able to play it.
      Please feel free to ask me any questions you have about any of the games produced by EN Publishing and I'll be only too happy to answer them for you.

  6. thank you for the quick reply. I am currently listening to a 246 minute NEW rpg session on you tube and to be honest its blowing me away. based on this and especially having just read your campaign ive just this moment gone and taken the plunge, splashed out and ordered the black and white soft cover NEW rule book and the Fall of Somerset Landing in one go. I`m a sucker for the Aliens movie and this is just way too good to miss up on, I`m totally stoked by it all. I just blew a big chuck of my savings on this but am very happy i did. I think i owe it to myself to do this. can i ask you please what your secret is, i dont have a problem playing rpg alone and use mythic regularly to play wargames or role playing by myself, which is pretty fun i must say if done carefully and with integrity (i have no problem splitting myself down the middle and playing GM and players at the same time) , i notice you seem to play alone too am i right? but you get an amazing amount of depth and consistent story telling integrity to your own solo campaign; how do you do it, what is your secret. is NEW that good, or do you have any special advice you can give me please?

    1. Hello, Luke. What a lovely comment and I am so pleased to hear you have taken the plunge and invested in both the "NEW" RPG and "Xenomorphs." If you love "Aliens" (and who doesn't?) you'll love "Xenomorphs." The book covers so much stuff from the film, it is a veritable "Aliens" sourcebook.

      I am, indeed, a solo gamer. I have been since 2000 when my regular gaming group broke up (due to deaths, marriages, and people moving away). I haven't really thought about what makes my games so compelling to read but I can make some good educated guesses. First and foremost, is having a hero or heroes you and your readers care about. This means giving them a personality. Make them come alive. This isn't as easy as it sounds. My ATZ hero, Vampifan, was popular because he was a heightened version of myself (fitter and with better combat skills) but he was still just an ordinary guy trying to survive in extreme circumstances - a zombie apocalypse. He made friends and he made enemies. But my readers cared for him because they wanted him to survive.

      In my "The Ace of Spades Campaign" for NEW I brought back a group of PCs I was extremely familiar with, having spent many years role-playing them in other RPG systems - FGU's Space Opera and GURPS Space. All I had to do was convert their stats to NEW and add a few new PCs to make up the rest of the crew. In their first big adventure that I chronicled here, I deliberately wrote it like a novel rather than a batrep, because I wanted to concentrate on the story and keep the rules as much in the background as possible. In writing that story, you got to learn about the personalities of the PCs. This is important. Make your PCs live and breath. Give them personalities, quirks and foibles, good and bad.

      What I can say is that when I write my batreps, I try to put in as much of my enthusiasm for the game, the setting and the characters as I can. If you are enthusiastic about a subject and show it, people latch on to that and respond in kind. Also, I enjoy writing. I have a deep love of literature, So for me, storytelling comes easily. Not every one is like me and not everyone can do it. I know some bloggers who find it very hard to write narrative batreps.

      Your final question, "is NEW that good?" is easy to answer. Yes it is! Until I read it, I always thought that GURPS was the greatest RPG ever written. NEW surpasses it in so many ways. One of its greatest strengths lies in its character creation process. Building your character up through career choices is inspired and just makes you think deeply about your character. It helps get the creative juices flowing and helps create a fully rounded living character. The characters you create have back stories and histories built in right from the start and that is such a good thing.

      I've waffled on a lot already, so I'll leave it there. If you wish to carry on this conversation, I'll happily do so. You ask some interesting questions, Luke. Please don't stop. :-)


  7. thank you again, your answers were very interesting. i think it helps a lot to understand the mindset of a gamer because then you can get into his storytelling that much more impressively. GURPS is timeless and has a good following and i have seen it played (successfully) at clubs, very like Space Opera in a way, except less open ended perhaps, less generic. NEW seems to have its foundations rooted in many earlier games: traveller, starship troopers, star wars, gamma world and star trek, but it is its potential to make it whatever you want that really appeals to me. originally i tentatively planned, if i bought it, to follow in your footsteps (there is a compliment there) and do something similar but all mine, then you did a review on the new Xenomorphs supplement and that was it, i just knew i had to have it, both NEW and the Aliens book. but now instead of doing my own campaign as i thought i would, i will stick firmly in the Aliens universe. i have most the comics in graphic novel omnibus format, so that will enhance my enjoyment (and give me something to read while i impatiently wait for my bundle to arrive in the post). will i stick to the movie Aliens and the NEW take on the story, or will i add in my own elements from my figure collection and put in all the things i want. hmm choice choices. i think to dilute the essence by putting in too much might weaken the plot somehow and take it away from being pure-strain somehow, so i might stick to the book for now and feel my feet before making to many big plans at this stage. i cant wait i want it to be here NOW.

    1. Thank you, Luke. I think, to start off with, I would stick to the story presented in "Xenomorphs". Maybe start off with the pre-generated NPCs... at least until you get the hang of the system. After that, you can add whatever elements you want.

    2. that`s good advice,and most soundly will be taken.

  8. one last thing if its ok. do you know where i can get a 28mm team of marines that is directly based off the Aliens movie? i want to give them my own names and backstories but would be nice to have some characters like them, and based off the classic story.

    1. maybe these by StudioXIIIModels


    2. Thanks for that link, Luke. I'd never seen them before. They are a bit pricey but there's no denying, they look great. Good find!

    3. was a lucky find actually, but like you, sadly, i think they are a little too rich for my wallet.

    4. I'm lucky in that I still have the original boxed set of official "Aliens" figures produced by Leading Edge Games. I got them all except the power loader set. Sadly, they are long out of production.
      A good substitution for them would be the Denizen Mid Tech Assault Team figures. See here - http://www.denizenminiatures.co.uk/files/25mm01.htm
      At £1.45 each they're very good value. However, they are closer to 25mm scale than 28mm.
      Prodos make official Aliens, predators and USMC Marines but they are horrendously expensive. Steer clear of them!
      You may have to use proxy figures. The Copplestone Castings Future Wars troopers would work just as well. Here's a link for them - https://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/list.php?cat=1&sub=32&page=1
      Or, you can still get Mark Copplestone's earlier versions of them from
      Moonraker Miniatures. See here - http://moonrakerminiatures.com/troopers.htm
      They are clearly inspired by the marines from the "Aliens" film.

    5. I have three full sets of the horror clix aliens all cut away and converted onto nice small bases, and i just realised my warlord games terminator genisys human resistance fighters make the ideal stand in figures for my colonial space marines, and could have been made for the task. I never just buy when looking at my existing collection is the next logical step to take.

    6. I'm not familiar with the "Terminator: Genesys" range of figures but that sounds like a cool solution and should save you some money. I, too, have the Horrorclix Aliens and I'll be using them for my Xenomorph Warriors.

    7. Luke, just spotted this advert for a new Aliens box game which features miniatures of Marines. Don't know if this is of any use to you? But I thought I'd pass the info along.


  9. Thanks for the review Bryan, and thanks to the lovely comments too. It's extremely uplifting to read, especially after succumbing to the Australian Flu recently. I had a lot of fun writing that adventure for the book!

    All the best,


    1. Hi, Darren. How lovely to hear from you. I can tell that everyone involved in the making of "Xenomorphs" must have had a lot of fun producing it. That much is evident from reading through it. That scenario you wrote is one of the scariest scenarios I've ever read! Fantastic job!

    2. Thank you very much, it was apparent from the get-go that I really needed to amp up the terror as time went on, and when it became obvious that PC deaths were nigh on inevitable, the Hot Swap idea came to me.

      It helps soften the blow a little and keeps things just as scary.

      Glad you like the scenario!

  10. WOW you wrote it darren, that`s amazing. I simply cant wait to get my copy. i hear only good things about it

    1. Just the adventure, Angus and Russ did the other parts of the book. A great team effort :)

      I did write a lot of the core book for Judge Dredd & the Worlds of 200)AD though :)


    2. Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD is the book I am most looking forward to reading in 2018!

  11. sounds very cool. do you have a website or blog?

  12. I'm on Amazon, and Drivethru RPG. I keep on meaning to get a site sorted. I'm also on facebook and twitter.


  13. And for Judge Dredd: https://www.worldsof2000adrpg.com/

  14. Thank you very much darren, I`ll check it out, promise. Also, i`ve been looking forward to the judge dredd stuff for ages, and cant wait for that either.

    1. You're more than welcome Luke, thank you for the interest. Yeah, I have been a huge Dredd and 2000AD fan from right back in the day, so when EN World asked me to write on the core rulebook it was one of those: must say YES moments.

      There's some great examples on the site I linked from the game too, it should be a blast for anyone who loves Dredd, and early Dredd at that too.

    2. Darren, I am a massive fan of both Judge Dredd and 2000 AD I have every issue since prog #1. I have been running a successful Judge Dredd campaign on my blog this past year using the "Judge Dredd Miniatures Game" rules. They're great for skirmish games but lack any role-playing elements. This is what I'm most looking forward to from your new rulebook. A proper Judge Dredd RPG. From the titbits I've seen already, I just know I won't be disappointed.

    3. Heh, awesome Bryan. Russ pointed me to the review, and I'm glad he did. Sounds like you're going to love the Dredd RPG then, we went back to 2099 and hopefully we brought Mega-City One to life in a good way.

  15. you just got a new fan, and no doubt a loyal customer too.

    1. I`ll also pass the word to all my friends too.

  16. Replies
    1. You can count me amongst your fans, too, Darren.
